Naungtayar potato association imported 25 tonnes of Mar potato species which is suited to the region. The Naungtayar potato association was formed by the potato growers from Naungtayar town, Pinlaung township, Pa-O Self-Administered Zone, Shan State (South). This year, the Naungtayar potato association imported 25 tonnes of Mar potato species from aboard. Last year, they bought from other companies.
In 2015-2016 financial year, the association got tax exemption, and it cost only K1,700 to reach Naungtayar. The association has to pay 15 per cent tax, and it costs K2,500 to reach Naungtayar. The local farmers will grow new species of potato. Then, they will distribute to the local farmers by keeping produced potato in the refrigerator, said Chairman U Khun San Oo of the Naungtayar potato association.
The association imported the new Mar species aimed for the local farmers to grow the potato at a lower cost, to get the good species of potato which is also suited to the weather condition, to yield higher, to produce good delicious potato and to ensure good quality of potato for the fried potato businesses. Naungtayar potato association is constructing a potato cold storage building and is targeted to complete in March. Upon completing the construction project, there will be a good advantage as the good quality potato can be exported. The potato could be stored longer. We will reduce the import of potato, and the local farmers could grow the potato at an affordable cost.
Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar