It has been announced in a newsletter dated July 27 (8/2022) that the processing and export of corn, sesame and pulses allowed to foreign companies and foreign joint ventures have been canceled. On February 4, 2020 (2/2020) it has been allowed to produce for pulses, sesame, corn, etc., as a product that can be processed further.
Now, some foreign companies are promoting pulses, corn, sesame, etc. based on the information in the newsletter (2/2020). It is stated that it has been verified that it is being exported as crops that have been raised and processed without processing. Therefore, it is stated that the newsletter (2/2020) related to the status of the products that can be produced and improved for pulses, corn and sesame has been canceled by this newsletter.
As the Ministry of Commerce, it is stated in the newsletter (2/2020) related to export and import, foreign companies and foreign joint ventures were allowed to purchase two groups of products from manufacturers and export them abroad in order to increase the production capacity by expanding and exporting the products to the foreign market, aimed to increase the production capacity by expanding the export to the foreign market in order to obtain more foreign markets and to obtain a higher selling price for the products.
The seven types of products are (1) clean and peeled chickpeas (whole), cleaned and peeled (parts), cleaned and peeled whole, cleaned and peeled parts, powder (raw/roasted), canned, ready-to-eat, etc. The green bean type includes cleaned and peeled (side), cleaned and shelled whole, cleaned and shelled powder (green/roasted), packaged in canned, ready-to-eat, etc. Sesame type includes sesame powder, roasted sesame powder, shelled sesame, etc.
Source: Daily Eleven