THE private sector is of great importance in implementing the port sector through Public-Private Partnership system because of the ever-increasing need for technology and skilled workers, said Member of State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications Admiral Tin Aung San inspecting international jetties at Myanmar International Terminals Thilawa (MITT) and the Rail Bus Engine-RBE locomotive sheds in the compound of Yangon Railway Station yesterday morning.
The Union Minister inspected jetties of the MITT in Thanlyin Township, freight handling jetty and fuel storage tanks of Regency SPC Company, International Bulk Terminal Thilawa (IBTT) Company’s crop jetty, Padauk Shwe Wah Company Limited’s fuel jetty and Wilmar Myanmar Port Terminal (Thilawa) Ltd’s crop jetties and viewed loading and unloading of goods.
Afterwards, the Union Minister heard reports on port service entrepreneurs at Wilmar Myanmar Port Terminal (Thilawa) Ltd.
Officials presented the placement of jetties in 37 plots of land in the Thilawa port area with local and foreign investment to carry out port services, operations of nine container and general cargo jetties, eight fuel and LNG jetties, and two crop jetties, totalling 19 and progress of 18 jetties under construction, and difficulties in work process.
In his speech, the Union Minister said that Myanma Port Authority has to provide necessary assistance for port investors and supervise port services under the law. He highlighted that the private sector is of great importance in implementing the port sector through Public-Private Partnership system because of the ever-increasing need for technology and skilled workers.
After that, the Union Minister arrived at the Rail Bus Engine-RBE locomotive shed in the vicinity of Yangon Railway Station and inspected the condition of repair and completion of repairing carriages of West Corporation.
Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar