Vehicles priced between K 30 million and 200 million are selling better in the current market, according to U Kyawswa Tun Myint, secretary of the Myanmar Automobile Manufacturers And Distributors Association.
With sales stagnating in early December, the market started to pick up from the second week of December and it has now increased, he explained.
“The current automobile market is quiet with regular sales and purchases – no rise or fall in prices. But, the price of some small cars with higher demand increased by a few percentage. Sales have increased when compared to the early December last year,” he said.
Vehicles priced from K 30-35 million to K 100-150-200 million are selling better and sales of more expensive cars are present, but not frequent, said U Kyawswa Tun Myint.
“It has increased by a certain percentage. Sales didn’t stop in December. There were some sales. Now, the number of sales is increasing more than before. The price of some small cars rose by a few percentage. Not many. If compared to early December, there were more frequent sales,” he said.
Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar