According to local petrol stations, the average price of petrol has risen by more than 33% in three months, from 990 kyats to nearly 1,100 kyats per liter depending on the type of petrol in the country. On February 3, the price of diesel was 660 kyats per liter. Premium diesel 600 kyats. Octane 92 Ron 620 kyats per liter; Octane 95 Ron is only 50 kyats per liter, according to figures released by the Myanmar Petroleum Importers and Distributors Association (MPTA). At present, on May 13, diesel costs 995 kyats per liter. Premium diesel 1015 kyats. Octane 92 Ron 995 kyats per liter. Octane 95 Ron per liter up to 1,080 kyats, according to local petrol stations.
In the first three months from the beginning of February until now, the price of diesel and premium diesel was over 330 kyats per liter. Octane 92Ron over 370 kyats per liter; Octane 95Ron rose to over 330 kyats per liter, respectively. According to the above prices, diesel prices rose more than 33% per liter during the three months. Octane 92Ron increased by more than 37% per liter and 95Ron octane by more than 30% per liter. Now people have to pay only 4,000 kyats for the four thousand kyats. They can go with six thousand. Now it costs about three liters to send it back. Not bad if you get your order back. The price cannot be increased. Passengers also have to wait in line to withdraw money, as money is now a problem. So it can’t be asked them to increase oil prices now as before. It is a problem for all drivers.
Myanmar imports around six million tonnes of kerosene a year, according to the Ministry of Commerce. In the first seven months of the current fiscal year, only 2.7 million tonnes of kerosene was imported worth $ 1.2 billion, down from more than one million tonnes in the same period last year, according to an official from the Ministry of Commerce. In the current fiscal year, imports of kerosene fell by 1,002 million tonnes, down $ 663.347 million from the same period last year. During that period, 1.66 million tonnes of diesel was imported, valued at $ 721.173 million. It is down more than 650,000 tonnes, down more than $ 430 million from the same period last year. More than one million tonnes of oil was imported, valued at $ 536.113 million. It was down more than 350,000 tonnes from the same period last year, valued at $ 227.18 billion.
Source: Daily Eleven