Union Minister for Construction U Han Zaw officially opened Sittoung River-Crossing Bridge (Myo Soe) in Ottwin Township and Shwekyin Creek-Crossing Bridge in Shwekyin Township, Bago Region. The ministry has set objectives to equally develop roads, bridges and urban areas in regions and states fulfilling the ministry’s primary duty of infrastructure development. Special Bridge Team 10 of Bridge Department constructed the 1,200-foot-long two-lane reinforced concrete bridge, which is located on Kywepwe-MyoSoe-Zayetgyi Road.
The bridge’s upper sections are made up of steel plate girders that were manufactured by J&M Steel Solutions, a company joint-ventured by the Ministry of Construction and Japanese Company JFE. This is 44th bridge opened in Bago Region during the incumbent government.The bridge that connects the towns and villages on old Yangon-Mandalay Highway with eastern side of Sittoung River will bring benefits of economy, social, health and education to local people. The bridge will also connect Bago Region with Kayin and Mon states.At the opening ceremony, the Union Minster made opening remarks and the Chief Minster explained the conditions of regional development, ethnic unity and communications development.
Special Bridge Team 9 of Bridge Department constructed the 1,680-foot-long two-lane reinforced concrete bridge. The upper section of the bridge is made up of reinforcement concrete and pre-stressed post-tension technology.The bridge is one of the main bridges on Taungoo-Kyaukgyi-Shwekyin-Motpalin Road that connects eastern Bago Region with Mon State. The opening of the bridge will bring the developments of economy, social, education and health to 36,000 people in 27 villages of 13 village-tracts in Motpalin side.
Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar