Myanmar and China signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to conduct a feasibility study for Mandalay-Kyaukpyu railway project on 10 January. Union Minister for Transport and Communication said that the
Muse-Mandalay-Kyaukpyu section is an essential project for the Belt and Road Initiative of Chinese President Mr Xi Jinping and the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor.
The bilateral relation between the two countries will become stronger through cooperation. He added that the MoU for a feasibility study for Mandalay-Kyaukpyu railway was signed between Myanmar Railways and China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.,Ltd (CREEC) and it also should conduct the study in details for the natural environment and social impacts. Then, Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar talked about the first visit of President Mr Xi Jinping to Myanmar in January 2020.
The railway section located in Yunnan of China will be completed in 2023 and trains will run between Myanmar and China. By connecting railways between China and Myanmar by building railroads inside Myanmar, it will connect Myanmar with big Eurasia market of 1.4 billion population and it will help Myanmar economy grow as well as assist the better life of Myanmar people. The feasibility study report of 2-year term MoU must submit within 18 months including the study for impacts of environment, mental, social, and cultural heritage.
Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar