YCDC digital construction permit platform receives over 1,000 applications

YANGON City Development Committee (YCDC) has received over 1,000 applications through Yangon Building Permit System (YBPS) during five months since its establishment. The YBPS provides Building Completion Certificate, building permit, a notice of inspection approval, minor building work approval, technical, administrative information and other managerial procedures.The system is designed to boost private investments in the city. It is initiated by International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of World Bank Group, with the aims to reduce some procedures and paperwork in seeking construction permits, and cut frequent meetings and unnecessary disputes between the staff and applicants.

The registered engineers, architects and landowners can apply for the permit through online platform anytime and anywhere. This is a great reform amid the COVID-19 crisis. It has made us more technologically advanced and helped us become more conscious about environmental sustainability by adopting a paperless process, she continued.Additionally, the initiative, with support from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the UK, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DGAT) has helped modernize the system and provide new software and training for staff. It is a one stop source for those developers to obtain a construction permit.

Myanmar construction sector accounts for five per cent of the labour force (about 1 million workers), it has among the highest earning potential for people.Streamlining the construction permit process is helping to improve transparency, cut red tape and speed up processing for permits which will ultimately improve the overall investment climate in Yangon. This is part of IFC’s larger effort to support the development of the private sector and spur the job creation.

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar

Construction sector in Myanmar worried over work-from-home order

Construction companies are worried over the impact of a national work-from-home (WFH) order as a result of COVID-19 on their businesses. The Central Committee for Prevention, Control and Treatment of COVID-19 on September 7 issued an announcement that only half of the civil workforce should report physically for work, while the other half should work from their homes or residences.

The 50 percent WFH scheme for employees was adopted in April and May during the first outbreak of COVID-19, but was discarded in June when the number of cases dwindled. The scheme has now been reinstated with cases on the rise. Although WFH arrangements can be adopted in sectors that do not require their employees to come to the office, it is much harder for the construction sector to reduce the number of workers on-site. Others are trying their best to comply with latest instructions to avoid further consequences.

Basins, hand sanitizers and masks have been placed at construction sites and dining areas and arrangements have been made for construction workers to work six feet apart from one another. The construction sector is providing the most job opportunities for workers now and they are trying their best to keep their business running. The construction sector is only starting to recover after most work came to halt between March and May. During that period, some small private constructors went out of business due to cash flow problems.

Source: Myanmar Times

Ministry of Construction complete 100 bridges in Myanmar this year

State and regional governments in Myanmar have expected expended around K477 billion building bridges in fiscal 2019-20, according to the Ministry of Construction. A total of 43 bridges spanning over 180 ft and 57 bridges under 180 ft amounting to 100 bridges in total have been completed in fiscal 2019-20. The new infrastructure has helped to enhance connectivity and trade for under-developed communities.

The completed bridges include Kantarwadi Bridge in Kayah State, Naunglon Bridge in Kayin State, Paletwa Bridge, Lalmyo Bridge, Daungvar Bridge in China State, Thamote Lut Bridge, Palone Tone Tone Bridge, Tanintharyi Bridge in Tanintharyi Bridge, Sittaung Bridge (Myo Soe), Shwe Kyin Bridge in Bago Region, Mon Chaung Bridge, Sal Yoe Bridge,Man Chaung Bridge in Magwe Region, Kin Chaung Bridge in Rakhine State and Labutta Bridge (Pin Lal Lay) in Ayeyarwady Region. These were constructed with loans from Austria. The No.3 Bago Bridge, Myanmar- Korea Friendship (Dala) Bridge, Gyine ( Kawkareik) Bridge, Gyine (Zathapyin) Bridge, Attayan Bridge are still being constructed with official development assistance.

There are also plans to bridge new Kunlon Bridge with international aid. They used technology for quality control so the bridge load and lifespan has increase substantially and will also reduce maintenance costs in the long ter. Instead of using steel trusses, the bridge designs were changed to steel arches which represents an advance in bridge engineering. In the case of damage by natural disasters, special bridge teams in each state and region have collected funds for Bailey bridges in advance.

Source: Myanmar Times

Development of the Korean industrial project to begin in December

Construction of the Korea-Myanmar Industrial Complex (KMIC) will commence in December despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The project is estimated to generate US$4.7 billion worth of value from investments and generate more than half a million jobs in support of Myanmar’s development. Launched during the visit of South Korean President Moon Jae-In to Myanmar last September, the KMIC is the first government-level project between the two countries.

The KMIC, which is being developed under a joint venture between Korea Land and Housing Corp, Global SAE-A Co Ltd and the Ministry of Construction, will developed across 556 acres of land in Nyaung Na Pin village in Hlegu, Yangon. Korea Land & Housing Corporation will hold a 40 percent stake in the project while Global SAE-A Co will hold a 20 pc stake. KMIC is valued at US$110 million and received approval from the Myanmar Investment Commission in 2019. The detailed design of the project is being finalized and construction will start by the end of year. The tender to develop the project will be called in October and after which construction of the first phase of the KMIC will commence in December. The first phase of the project will be implemented on 315 acres of land and involve facilities for food and beverage, cut-make-pack manufacturing and logistics and warehousing. The second phase, which will take place across 240 acres of land, will developed with the construction materials, electronics and computer parts manufacturing in mind. The whole industrial zone will be complete in 2022. The KMIC will include residential and commercial developments in addition to industry. The entire project will also be developed as a smart and eco-friendly industrial zone using Korean technology.

The Ministry of Construction will develop an outer ring-road and provide electricity and water access at the industrial zone with a US$70 million loan from the South Korea Economic Development Cooperation Fund. It has already received US$62 million in funds. Officials will start drawing more interest to the project among investors in Korea next month. Meanwhile, KMIC officials will cooperate with Korea government institutions to support businesses with consulting services and access to financing. The Koreans are also expending construction of the Dala Bridge in Yangon, which is now being carried out around the clock to be complete within the targeted timeframe despite COVID-19. The bridge, also know as the Myanmar- Korea Friendship Bridge, is expected to cost US $168 million. Construction of the bridge, which will connect Dala township across the Yangon River to downtown Yangon, began in May 2019 and is slateed to be complete in October 2022.

Source: Myanmar Times

New bridge infrastructure planned in Ayeyarwady, Shan

The Pathein Bridge (2), which directly connects Pathein’s Mahabandoola Road with the west bank of Ngawun River in Ayeyarwady Region, will officially open for traffic in September. The bridge, which was constructed to accommodate rising traffic as a result of housing expansion by the river, was complete in July and stress tests were conducted last week. Passenger vehicles will be able to use bridge between 5am and 7pm before the official opening next month.

Construction of the 725-meter long Pathein Bridge (2) began in November 2018. The Ministry of Construction is now seeking approval from arliament to build a new bridge in Thanlwin, Shan State, using a €8.4 million loan from Austria. The objective of the loan is to buy good quality, high-tech European products like cable-stayed bridge material, steel frames and accessories for necessary to build proper infrastructure. The current Thanlwin bridge, which connects Central Myanmar to Shan State, has been used since 1999, allowing it to accommodate only 16 tonnes of weight at a time compared to its original capacity of 30 tonnes. COnsequently, cargo from large 10-wheel trucks must be transferred to smaller vehicles to enable the goods to pass.

The entire process is too time consuming and not conducive for business. The new cable-stayed bridge will be 870 feet long and its maximum load capacity will be 60 tonnes.The loan, which is being granted by the Austrian Uni Credit Bank, interest-free and repayable within 28.5 years. This includes a 14-year grace period. The Bridges Department under Ministry of Construction completed 540 concrete bridges, 22 wooden bridges, 17 Bailey bridges, 86 cable-stayed bridges and 1,410 Box Culverts in the fourth year of this government’s term.

Source: Myanmar Times

Union Construction Minister opens bridges in Ottwin, Shwekyin

Union Minister for Construction U Han Zaw officially opened Sittoung River-Crossing Bridge (Myo Soe) in Ottwin Township and Shwekyin Creek-Crossing Bridge in Shwekyin Township, Bago Region. The ministry has set objectives to equally develop roads, bridges and urban areas in regions and states fulfilling the ministry’s primary duty of infrastructure development. Special Bridge Team 10 of Bridge Department constructed the 1,200-foot-long two-lane reinforced concrete bridge, which is located on Kywepwe-MyoSoe-Zayetgyi Road.

The bridge’s upper sections are made up of steel plate girders that were manufactured by J&M Steel Solutions, a company joint-ventured by the Ministry of Construction and Japanese Company JFE. This is 44th bridge opened in Bago Region during the incumbent government.The bridge that connects the towns and villages on old Yangon-Mandalay Highway with eastern side of Sittoung River will bring benefits of economy, social, health and education to local people. The bridge will also connect Bago Region with Kayin and Mon states.At the opening ceremony, the Union Minster made opening remarks and the Chief Minster explained the conditions of regional development, ethnic unity and communications development.

Special Bridge Team 9 of Bridge Department constructed the 1,680-foot-long two-lane reinforced concrete bridge. The upper section of the bridge is made up of reinforcement concrete and pre-stressed post-tension technology.The bridge is one of the main bridges on Taungoo-Kyaukgyi-Shwekyin-Motpalin Road that connects eastern Bago Region with Mon State. The opening of the bridge will bring the developments of economy, social, education and health to 36,000 people in 27 villages of 13 village-tracts in Motpalin side.

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar

Investors eyeing industrial estate development sector

Some local and foreign investors are interested in industrial estate development sector.At present, domestic, foreign enterprises and joint ventures are discussing to invest in industrial estate development sector.They are preparing to have readiness for investments in the industrial zone development sector. We had discussions regarding this, but any proposal is not received yet.

In the current fiscal year 2019-2020, zero investment is found in the industrial estate development sector.During last fiscal, there was Korea-Myanmar Industrial Complex project implemented by KMIC Development Co., Ltd on 558 acres of land in Hlegu Township, Yangon; and Development and Operation Project of Smart and Eco City and Related Businesses by Thailand-based Amata Group on 2,000 acres of land near Dagon Myothit (East) and (South) townships.

The construction of those projects started this year.The real estate development sector attracted K248 billion in the 2011-2012FY, K51 billion in the 2013-2014FY, K14 billion in the 2014-2015FY, K260 billion in the 2015-2016FY and K36 billion in the 2018-2019FY.

Source: The Global New light of Myanmar

Chin State Minister inspects construction works at Lower Laivar Dam

The Chin State Minister for Agriculture, Livestock Breeding, Forestry and Mines U Mang Hen inspected construction works at Lower Laivar Dam, the third dam in the Chin State, on 19 July. Firstly, the dam construction group official of Thiha Min Swe company, which has been carrying out the construction project, explained the stages of the construction of the dam, and the benefits that can bring to the residents. Afterwards, the Chin State Minister and other officials inspected the dam.

By using the budget of K3,038 million, the construction work for Lower Laivar Dam commenced on 1 June 2019. The construction was 100 per cent completed on 30 June 2020. The Lower Laivar Dam is located in Falam Township. The location of the Lower Laivar Dam is about a mile away from the existing Laivar Dam. The area of the earth-fill dam is 2.5 square miles. The height of the dam is 65 feet and the length is 330 feet. The total storage capacity of the dam is 800 acre-feet and the usable capacity is 655 acre-feet.

The first dam of Chin State Chin State Minister inspects construction works at Lower Laivar Dam is the Upper Laivar Dam, the second one is Thiki Dam and the third one is the Lower Laivar Dam.The main objective of the Lower Laivar Dam is to store the water that flows from the catchment areas of the Upper Laivar Dam. The Lower Laivar Dam will be able to supply 300,000 to 800,000 gallons of water per day to about 50,000 residents in Falam Township.

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar