1.5M visitors, including 60,000 foreign tourists, enter Shan State in 2023

According to the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism, a total of 1.5 million travellers, including more than 60,000 foreigners, entered Shan State in 2023.
Most of the tourist arrivals in Shan State are in eastern Shan, southern Shan, and northern Shan areas. In 2023, a total of 1,413,015 domestic tourists and 68,317 overseas travellers, a total of nearly 1.5 million domestic and international tourists, arrived in Shan State.
Shan State has many places that can be visited all year round, besides the 12-month festivals and the plantations and natural scenery in the highland areas such as Pindaya and Ywangan, and the ethnic dress and lifestyle are attracting tourists.
Out of the 457 hotels and guesthouses licensed by the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism for the convenience of domestic and foreign tourists, 337 hotels and guesthouses are currently open and providing services.
In addition, Shan State’s famous Inlay Lake will host rowing competitions on Saturday and Sunday, according to the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism (Shan State). 

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar