MORE than 230 licences for gem trade are due to expire in March 2024, according to a notification from the Myanma Gems Enterprise.
Those entities holding gems and jewellery trading licences, manufacturing licences for finished gems and carvings and rough gemstone and finished products trading licences issued by the Myanma Gems Enterprise under the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation are required to proceed to the renewal process three months before the expiry date. They must renew them at least one month before the expiry.
Additionally, they can notify the Myanma Gems Enterprise of winding down a business with one month’s notice before ceasing the operation.
Licence renewal applications can be processed at the Myanma Gems Enterprise (Nay Pyi Taw), Gems Museum in Yangon and Mandalay Office, mining departments in Mogok, Lonkhin/Phakant, Mongshu and Myitkyina areas, in line with the rules and regulations.
Those businesspeople holding expired licences in 2020 and 2021 were urged to reinstate them with the relevant departments by 31 December 2023. Failure to renew the gem trading licence is bound to face revocation, as notified by the Myanma Gems Enterprise on 22 September 2023.
Soure: The Global New Light of Myanmar