Central Committee to enhance exports by overseeing production and logistics

The central committee has to review the work processes being conducted at seaport, airport and border trade camps to revive the trading sector and to amend them if necessary, said Central Committee on Ensuring Smooth Flow of Trade and Goods Chairman State Administration Council Member Union Minister General Mya Tun Oo.
The Union minister said the words during the 1/2023 meeting of the central committee held in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
He also highlighted the instructions of the Prime Minister that it should make efforts to produce the imported basic commodities to meet the country’s needs and to be able to export.
He added that while trying not to face the trade deficit in the State economy, the committee will supervise to promote the production of export goods and export volumes and not prevent suspensions in production and price increases of essential commodities such as medicines and medical supplies, farming products, fuel, cooking oil and so on.
It will also set measures to facilitate the banking system to ensure the official currency flows for trading and supervise the working processes of the working committee to ensure the speedy flow of trading procedures.
He then urged the entrepreneurs, and relevant officials of ports to report their challenges to be solved and scrutinize the insurance information and containers systematically.
Then, the attendees coordinated the discussion and the Union minister concluded the meeting.

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar

MoPF workshop strengthens statistical user-provider linkages

Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Planning and Finance U Win Shein presided over a workshop on enhancing linkages between statistics users and providers in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
Speaking at the event, the Union minister said the statistics system of Myanmar is decentralized and only the cooperation of statistical departments and firm linkage can release accurate, qualified and reliable statistics.
The enhancement of linkage between the users and providers of the statistics plays a key role in the National Strategy for Development of Statistics for Myanmar and the User Engagement Strategy was drafted in 2019 with the help of the UN Statistics Division and International Development Partners.
He then talked about the “survey of users’ opinions on statistical yearbooks and digits released by Central Statistical Organization” conducted in September 2023 online and urged to understand the needs of users to release the statistics that can also support the development of the national statistical system.
Permanent Secretary Dr Soe Win also discussed the topic of Promoting Statistical Literacy for All while Improving Statistics User-Provider Relations by Deputy Director-General U Than Zaw of the Central Statistical Organization. At noon, the relevant officials of governmental departments and the Myanmar Statistics Association organized a roundtable discussion under the title of “Dissemination of Official Statistics” and “Statistics User Participation and Stakeholder Engagement”.

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar