Myanmar Airways International (MAI) has announced that Incheon-Yangon-Incheon flights will resume three days per week starting from 6 July. Currently, Korean Air is operating the Yangon-Incheon flight. After the suspension for over two years, Korean Air (KE) resumed flying.
At present, both Korean Air and MAI are selling the tickets for the Yangon-Incheon flight to be resumed on 6 July. The flights will fly weekly on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.
In addition, Nok Air will also resume Yangon-Bangkok flights on 1 July and will fly every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Myanmar National Airlines (MNA) is also operating regular flights to Singapore, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. MAI flies to Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Guangzhou, Dubai, Phnom Penh, Kolkata and Delhi on scheduled dates.
Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar