From May 1, 1131 product lines including yeast, general food, pet food, soap, raw materials, and general chemicals, will be considered as goods lines needed for import application according to the Customs Department. According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Commerce (5/2022) on yeast, general food, pet food, dyes, soap, raw materials, paints, general chemicals; Leather raw materials; Nylon All kinds of ropes; A total of 1,131 product lines, including machinery and equipment, have been declared as third-tier goods lines for import application.
With the HS Code 10 Digit, 1,131 product lines have been changed in the MACCS system. According to the Import / Export Newsletter (5/2022), 1131 HS lines required to apply for import licenses, pre-import declarations submitted before May 1, will be effective. In order to regulate some imported goods under the import license system, some commodity lines have been declared as import lines that need to apply for import licenses. Newsletter on Import and Export 826 and 141 (18/2021); (1/2022) and (2/2022) respectively.
Now the third step is yeast. General food Pet food Dyes Soap raw materials Lightening oil; General chemicals; Leather raw materials; Nylon All kinds of ropes; Machinery and equipment; Electric motor; According to the 2017 Customs Tariff of Myanmar, which covers products such as generators, electronics and its accessories, 536 lines with HS Code 10 Digit or 1131 lines with HS Code 10 Digit have been added as import lines from May 1, 2022.
Therefore, according to the Notification No. 68/2020 issued on 22.10.2020, it is necessary to apply for the import license with HS Code 10 Digit. HS Code 10 Digit issued by Newsletter (18/2021) with 3070 product lines; Attach 826 product lines with HS Code 10 Digit issued by Newsletter (1/2022) and 141 product lines with HS Code 10 Digit issued by Newsletter (2/2022). The goods specified in the S Code are the goods lines that need to apply for an import license, and any of the goods lines that need to apply for a license under paragraph (2) above can be imported from overseas seas. Importing from air and border trade routes will be allowed from May 1, 2022 only after applying for an import license in accordance with the procedures.
Source: Daily Eleven