Myantrade will set up a supportive service system for the local entrepreneurs, according to an officer from the organization. To set a milestone of the business support in Myanmar, the Myanmar Trade Promotion Organization provided advanced trade information service and management technique pieces of training to some 40 government officials from Myantrade headquarters and regional trade centres and 15 Myanmar commercial trade attaches from foreign countries.
The two-day training that started from 22 to 24 September is part of the larger initiative aims to upgrade the availability and accuracy of businesses, market and trade information available to the local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which want to reach foreign markets. The training gave Myantrade’s trade information officers the practical skills on how to analyze trade and market information resources. Providing reliable and timely trade information will enable the officers to assist their small businesses better to make them competitive in the global markets using up to date market intelligence. So, the exporters can get information safely online during COVID-19 crisis.
Embracing these new tools and methodologies can improve our capacity to provide modern and effective information services to everyone interested in trading. Myantrade is the Trade Promotion Organization of Myanmar which is aimed at promoting the trade and export of Myanmar through the building of the capacities of the local companies to make effective competition in the regional and global markets. Moreover, Myantrade aims to tag the label of “Made in Myanmar” brand on Myanmar’s goods and services.
Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar